Toastmasters International

Role Script Templates

Disclaimer: The resources shared here are provided merely as a guidance.


Checklist and Script Template for Ah-Counter

Serving in the Ah-Counter role provides an excellent opportunity to practice listening skills.

The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note unnecessary words and sounds used by members who speak during the meeting. 

Words or phrases that may be used inappropriately or unnecessarily include and, well, but, so, and you know.

Sounds may include ah, um, and er.

Prior to the Meeting

Upon Arrival at the Meeting

Download Ah-Counter’s Log here.

During the Meeting


“Greetings Mr./Madam Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and guests.

The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note words and sounds that are used as a “crutch” or “pause filler” by anyone who speaks.

During the meeting, I will listen for overused words, including and, well, but, so, and you know. I will also listen for filler sounds, including ah, um, and er. I will also note when a speaker repeats a word or phrase, such as “I, I” or “This means, this means.”

At the end of the meeting, I will report the number of times that each speaker used these expressions.

Thank you, Mr./Madam Toastmaster.”


Checklist and Script Template for Ah-Counter

Further information on the Toastmaster role: